What Is Administrative Law?

Administrative law provides a legal framework for the operations of administrative agencies and departments. It also aims to provide efficient protocols for the resolution of disputes.

Governmental agencies are responsible for interpreting, administering and enforcing laws passed by Congress. They issue 스토킹전문변호사 regulations (also known as rules) that function like legislation.

Regulatory agencies

The United States has a wide range of regulatory agencies that govern many aspects of life, from telecommunications to financial markets. These organizations are a critical component of our government, and their functions are the focus of administrative law. This legal discipline addresses the procedures under which these agencies operate, as well as external constraints that limit their power (e.g., the Constitution, procedural laws, and judicial review).

The primary function of an agency is to develop regulations that have the force of law. These rules may be internal, procedural, interpretative, or legislative in nature. Some of these rules have the effect of imposing civil punishments on individuals who fail to comply with the agency’s statutes and regulations. Other rules are subject to the judicial branch and must be reviewed by a court.

Regulatory agencies are limited in the scope of their activities by Congress, which creates them through enabling legislation and defines their powers. However, courts typically defer to an agency’s interpretation of these statutes unless it is found to be arbitrary and capricious. To learn more about a particular agency, consult its enabling legislation and read its governing statutes. A useful resource is the Federal Register, which contains all published statutory documents. You can also find the citation to an agency’s enabling legislation in the United States Government Manual or in an annotated code volume. The Eckstein Library has an extensive collection of print resources relating to administrative law, including treatises, study aids, practitioner materials, subject serials, and monographs.

Adjudicative agencies

While broad public policies are set out in statutes, the actual implementation and enforcement of these laws is handled by administrative agencies. These agencies investigate complaints, identify conduct that is in violation of regulations, and work to educate and advise lawmakers on the passing and execution of legislation.

In addition to their executive functions, these agencies also perform judicial roles by adjudicating disputes. To do this, they issue a ruling known as an initial decision. Once this ruling is issued, the petitioner can either appeal the decision or request a sua sponte review. In a world of ever-increasing complexity, these agencies must balance competing demands and must be transparent in their actions.

To accomplish this, the traditional federal model vests final decision-making authority in the agency head. This approach has deep roots in a theory of federal courts that distinguishes Article III and Article I legislative and judicial courts from agency adjudicatory tribunals. Scholars have largely supported this model.

However, the model is not without its detractors. For example, some scholars have questioned the need for agency-head review of adjudicatory decisions. Others have argued that this model does not promote the values of transparency and accountability. In addition, some scholars have argued that the traditional model violates constitutional guarantees. This is especially true for non-judicial agencies, such as disciplinary boards and zoning commissions.


Many laws give administrative agencies the power to make rules and decisions and to hear appeals from those decisions. Generally, an administrative agency’s decision can only be overturned by a court of appeal if the decision was based on erroneous facts or law. An experienced lawyer can help you determine whether you have a legal right to an administrative appeal and prepare evidence required by the agency’s rules.

A person can only file an administrative appeal after exhausting their administrative remedies, which will vary depending on the agency’s enacted rules and requirements. In general, this will require that the person attend an administrative hearing and receive a final decision from the administrative law judge.

An administrative appeal may be a formal review or a hearing on briefs. A formal review will be a new hearing before an administrative law judge and will include witnesses and evidence. A hearing on the briefs is a hearing decided by written submissions and will not involve witnesses or evidence.

An administrative law judge will issue a Proposal for Decision at the end of the hearing. The parties will then have an opportunity to submit exceptions to the judge’s proposal. The agency or commission will review the Proposal for Decision and then issue a Final Decision. The parties can then request judicial review in district court.


The courts play a vital role in the administrative law process. They review the legality of administrative decisions through a procedure known as judicial review. The court will examine the nature and scope of an agency’s power, as well as the evidence used in making its decision. The court will also look at the legality of the decision’s application in a particular context. For example, if an agency allows pool chemicals with a certain level of chlorine to be sold to homeowners, the court will determine whether or not this is an unnecessarily broad exercise of power.

Administrative courts are similar to judicial courts in that they conduct formal proceedings with witnesses and evidence. They are independent and impartial triers of fact in a process that includes advance notice of a hearing, an opportunity to submit facts, arguments, offers of settlement or proposals for adjustment, and the right to be accompanied, represented and advised by counsel or other qualified representatives. Their judicial independence is guaranteed by the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. SS 500 et seq.

However, some judicial judges have complained about the growing influence of these institutions. They claim that the administrative state is out of control and has become unconstrained by separation of powers limits. For example, administrative courts can deny citizens their rights to a jury trial and can be abused by executive branch agencies.

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